How can PropFundrs Save You Time and Money? By offering two distinct services that can set you on the road to success: the Preparation Funding Pack and the Ultimate Funding Pack. See how PropFundrs can benefit you and how you can sign up for the services.
Have you a project that you are struggling to raise funds for? Let us help you source the funds you need!​
Discovery Call: Understanding your project - 1 hour
Review of call and information supplied: 1 hour
Recommendation of funding plan: 1 hour
DD Pack: 3 hours
Final wrap up (lessons learned call): 1 hour
Introduction to Funding Partners as required: Emails, calls as required
​That’s 7 hours of input from the PropFundrs team that will give you the best chance to source funding.
All this for just
Give a person a fish feed them for a day… teach them to fish, feed them for life’.
Are you wanting to take your funding to the next level and have access to debt and equity to allow you to scale your business? Do you want to build a brand or an investor tribe? Do you need help with deal structuring and navigating the capital stack?
We can work with you and your team over a 3-month period and show you how. Main elements include:
6 Steps To Raising Funds Legally –6 x 30 mins modules
All of the Done For You Service (right)
Structure your project capital stack
Brand Building strategy
Introduction to Funding Partners as required
Acting as a member of your team during the fundraise
Final wrap up – lessons learned.
​That’s 18 hours over 3 months from the PropFundrs team that will give you the best chance to source funding.
One off payment of just
Why PropFundrs?
How will these packs benefit your property business?
What are some of the benefits you could have by signing up with PropFundrs?
access a team of property experts to either work with you or for you
​enhance your property strategies
build up your resource network
present your deal(s) to potential investors
learn the best structure(s) for your deal(s) or how best to structure your deal(s)
ensure you raise funds legally & compliantly
increase your networking and potential JV opportunities
potentially acquire new investors
access potential senior debt, mezz and equity offers
learn more about brand building to increase your profile
and much more!
Sign Up Today to access funding, mentoring and education services
*Usual full price of £149 per month or £1,788 per year.