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Brand Building for Fundraisers!

B Johnstone

Updated: Jan 1, 2024

If you’re looking for investment for your next property development project, then crowdfunding is a very powerful strategy that not only allows you to get access to the funds that you need but will also give you ongoing access to a community of loyal investors. These loyal investors are what is known as, your tribe!

Your Investor tribe is a group of people who will be willing to follow your journey, share your deals with others and invest in your projects. Simply put: You bring the deals and they bring investment!

But how do you build a loyal following that you can call upon whenever you have a new deal?

Within this blog we are going to take a look at the three C’s of building our best tribe.


A wavy line of people wearing bright green shirts with their arms raised in the air

The first C is Community!

Before you can begin to build your investor tribe portfolio, you must have a place in which you can communicate with your tribe. One of the fastest and easiest ways of doing this is to create an online Facebook group (community). Setting up a Facebook group will allow you to have a hub in which you can educate, inspire, and entertain your tribe and use it to build your brand for your fundraising.

Creating your community is something you want to be achieving before you start looking for investment. To create an influential group follow the steps:

1. Set up a Facebook group.

2. Create at least 10 posts.


  • Educate: focus on posts that will educate your audience. Share different tips, techniques, strategies and ‘how to’ posts. When you teach someone something new, you become the authority on the subject.

  • Inspire: inspirational and motivational quotes are some of the most shared content on the Internet. What can you post that will inspire or motivate your audience?

  • Entertain: Investors (just like everyone else) enjoy light entertainment. You don’t have to be serious all of the time! Sometimes, it’s good to let your hair down and have fun with your audience. Some of the most engaging posts contain light-hearted entertainment. You don’t need to be controversial, but you can be entertaining!

  • Invite: now that your account is up and running it’s time to invite your friends, family, associates, networks and previous investors into your group.

  • Consistency: consistency is the key! Once you have an audience is important to continuously engage with your audience. Post as frequently as you can, invite them to ask you questions, keep the relationship alive!


 A group of people putting their hands or fists together

The second C is Credibility!

If you want to create a loyal investor tribe then it’s imperative that you are someone of integrity. One of the biggest fears for property investors is that the developers will take the money and run! There are many cases in which individuals have invested heavily into property deals, only for the property deal to fail miserably, leaving the investor out of pocket.

Whilst it is impossible for the developer to guarantee a return on investment, it is entirely possible for the developer to do everything in the best interest of the investor. After all, if you are someone of integrity, someone who truly cares about your investor’s needs, then even if the deal does go wrong, your tribe will understand that you did everything in your power to safeguard their money.

Integrity is about standing by your word, if you say you’re going to do something, you will try your absolute hardest to do it. People of integrity are trusted and respected more than anyone else!

Inside of your community you need to demonstrate that you are someone who can be trusted, and someone who is true to their word! You can do this by using case studies and testimonials to show your track record and experience! The more credible they are, the more weight they will carry and the better this will be for your brand building as a fundraiser!


Kids sitting in a row showing how people today communicate

The final C stands for Communication!

It’s vitally important that you have an open-door policy with your tribe. If they want to connect with you and ask you questions, or engage with you on any level, you want to make this possible. Don’t put barriers up!

I’m not saying that you need to be there 24/7 for your tribe, but you do want to give them the ability to be able to communicate with you and share their ideas and perspectives regarding your business. You don’t want to distance yourself from the tribe. By doing so it will seem as though you only care about your end result and not the opinions of your tribe members. Not the best approach if you want to build a successful brand as you fundraise!

Great leaders are people who understand, empathise and show compassion towards their followers. The more openly you communicate with your audience the stronger the relationship will become. After all, all relationships are built on mutual respect, they’re not one-sided.

A great way to do this is to simply communicate via your online community:

  • Respond to the comments on all of your posts.

  • Go live inside of your community and allow them to ask you questions, that you can answer during the live session.

  • Allow your members to direct message (DM) you inside of the group.

When you are willing to take time out of your busy schedule and respond to your followers’ questions it shows them that you are someone of integrity, someone who is worth following.

Your tribe doesn’t exist just so you can siphon cash out of them whenever you want. Your tribe will be there because they believe in what you’re doing, and believe that together you are stronger.


Follow the three Cs of building a tribe and you will soon be on your way to growing a loyal following that will support you and invest in your deals.

Just remember, building a good brand takes patience and commitment. And if you wish to be a successful fundraiser, then it will all be worth it in the end. Sometimes it can seem like a daunting task, but if you’re willing to commit to your tribe, then they will be committed to you.

A group of people working together to raise the frame of a house all wearing red t-shirts.  This is to show 'brand building', working together

*This Blog provides tips and insights into tribe building before an investment project is launched on a crowdfunding platform and is not intended to discuss the financial promotion of an investment opportunity.



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